Model Fields


class djem.models.TimeZoneField(**kwargs)[source]

TimeZoneField is a model field that stores timezone name strings (‘Australia/Sydney’, ‘US/Eastern’, etc) in the database and provides access to TimeZoneHelper instances for the stored timezones. TimeZoneField will only store valid timezone strings, or a null value if null=True. It will not store arbitrary strings, including the empty string.

The default form field is a TypedChoiceField with a Select widget.

TimeZoneField provides default values for the following constructor arguments:


Defaults to a list of 2-tuples containing the timezones provided by pytz.common_timezones. Both items of each 2-tuple simply contain the timezone name. This is equivalent to:

choices = [(tz, tz) for tz in pytz.common_timezones]

If passing in a custom list of choices, it must match this format. The default value is stored on TimeZoneField in the CHOICES constant.


Defaults to 63. This default value is stored on TimeZoneField in the MAX_LENGTH constant.

Example, using TimeZoneField on a custom User model:

from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractBaseUser
from djem.models import TimeZoneField

class CustomUser(AbstractBaseUser):
    time_zone = TimeZoneField()
>>> user = CustomUser.objects.filter(timezone='Australia/Sydney').first()
>>> user.timezone
<TimeZoneHelper: Australia/Sydney>


Use of TimeZoneField requires pytz to be installed. It will raise an exception during instantiation if pytz is not available.


Use of TimeZoneField only makes sense if USE_TZ is True.

See also

The djem.forms.TimeZoneField form field.