Source code for djem.forms.bases

import warnings

from django import forms

[docs]class UserSavable: """ A mixin for a Django ``ModelForm`` that adds support for models using the :class:`~djem.models.Auditable` model mixin. It handles providing a user instance to the model's ``save()`` method when the form's own ``save()`` method is called, as is required by :class:`~djem.models.Auditable`. This mixin *assumes* the presence of a ``self.user`` attribute that the ``save()`` method can use. It is designed for use by forms that already accept and store a known user, e.g. as a constructor argument. For a form that provides the same customisation of the ``save()`` method and includes ``user`` as a constructor argument, see :class:`AuditableForm`. """ def save(self, commit=True): # Call with commit=False so .save() can be called on the # instance with the required user argument instance = super().save(commit=False) if commit: self.save_m2m() del self.save_m2m # pretend commit=False was never used return instance
[docs]class AuditableForm(UserSavable, forms.ModelForm): """ A Django ``ModelForm`` that is customised to support models using the :class:`~djem.models.Auditable` model mixin. It handles providing a user instance to the model's ``save()`` method when the form's own ``save()`` method is called, as is required by :class:`~djem.models.Auditable`. It also adds a ``user`` keyword argument to the constructor so the ``save()`` method has a known user to work with. The ``user`` argument is required if the field is bound, otherwise it is optional. The given user is stored in the :attr:`~AuditableForm.user` instance attribute. Subclasses may choose to use the known user for their own purposes. For a mixin that provides the same customisation of the ``save()`` method without the extra constructor argument (e.g. for use by forms that already accept and store a known user), see :class:`UserSavable`. """ def __init__(self, *args, user=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # User is required for bound forms if self.is_bound and not user: raise TypeError('Bound {0} instances require a "user" argument.'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) # Set self.user regardless of whether or not the form is bound. Child # forms may well require the user when the form is unbound as well. self.user = user
# Backwards compat. # TODO: Remove in 1.0 class CommonInfoForm(AuditableForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn('Use of CommonInfoForm is deprecated, use AuditableForm instead.', DeprecationWarning) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)